Steganography with Digital Invisible Ink Toolkit (DIIT)
Anlyzing photos for stegonogrpahy
I have modified the photo below using Digital Invisible Ink Toolkit
What is Digital Invisible Ink Toolkit
“The Digital Invisible Ink Toolkit is a Java steganography tool that can hide any sort of file inside a digital image (regarding that the message will fit, and the image is 24 bit colour). It will work on Windows, Linux and Mac OS because it is written in Java and thus platform independent.”
Running (DIIRT)
Using the decode tab were going to upload our image and check for any hidden messages
Analyzing the photo
It appears the word salt is hidden in the wood
Lets try this in our password box
This algorithm randomly distributes the message across the image
(you wouldnt necessarily know which algorithm)
Set Message
Save an empty txt file to your desktop to write to
Successfull retrieval
Reading the file we see it’s mostly unreadable but JFIF is of intrest
Changing the .txt to .jpg reveals a new image
New Image
The new image has some encrypted text on it
The text appears to be base64 encryption
Using base64decoder
We get the hidden message